The directions we received to get to the nearest metro station from our neighbour:
“It is a straight walk. Follow the metro line that is under construction”
The one next door only opens in 3 months - Great! Just after we leave!
Nearly there, we were confronted by children begging for money, one of which grabbed Steph by the thigh, slightly modifying her walking pattern. And Emma practiced her newly learned Hindi: “Na-hee” for no.
Merci à Delhi d’avoir établi une section reservée pour les femmes dans son metro: well-appreciated today!
Connaught Place. Walking around Delhi is like a relay race of curious people asking us the same question over and over again. It is tiring to repeat the same answers, but instead, we turned it into a game, pretending we were from a different country every time.
Crossing the street – there is no method to this madness. Au fil de notre wandering parmi les round-about, nous avons fini par trouver la rue qui allait nous mener au Jantar Mantar. Un sentiment étrange nous habitaient. Il y avait tellement de policiers en uniforme, s’en était plus inquiétant que rassurant. La rue était tranquille, trop tranquille. Arrivées au bout de celle-ci, après avoir marche à travers des dizaines et des dizaines de policiers, on a cliqué: Jantar Manta est aussi un point de rencontre pour les manifestations. Good timing girls, we entered the gate before it started.
Jantar Mantar. It is a collection of astrological instruments, capable of ascertaining the position and altitude of the sun and the planets as well as the time in four of the world’s time zone when Delhi time reaches noon.
Gurudwara Bangla Sahib - SikhTemple.
Sacred Heart Cathedral.
“Give Me Strength”
This is my prayer to thee my Lord..strike
Strike at the root of penury in my heart
Give me strength lightly to bear my joys and sorrows
Give me the strength to make my love fruitful in service
Give me the strength to disown the poor or bend my knees before insolent might
Give me strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles
And give me the strength to surrender my strength to thy will with God.
And give me the strength to surrender my strength to thy will with God.
On our way back to the metro station, we meet familiar faces from the morning. One of which asked us: “ Where have you been? Your bums are white! ” He followed us until the metro entrance, commenting that we were like magnets!
Walking home from metro, Emma received an unsuspecting poke from the children begging for money, jumped two feet let out a shriek –scaring the wits out of the poor child.